(520) 271-2641 for an Appointment Limited Shadow Light Display at Madaras Gallery
(520) 271-2641 for an Appointment Limited Shadow Light Display at Madaras Gallery
Shadow Lights are custom-made with any design and with the powerful illumination of LED bulbs, they can reach to any height. Prices are approximately based on an $11/inch multiplier. Popular arrangements are clusters of three of 20", 24", & 28" or 24", 28" & 32" or 36".
(Pictured above Southwest Zag, Yucca, Meandering Contours)
Turnkey Electric Kit
Turnkey Kit with Six Lights
*Transformer: 150W Clamp-Connect 12v/15v LED - featuring easy-to-use clamp-type connectors by VOLT.
Popular motifs are Swirls, Organic Graceful Lines & Shapes; Flowing Flora, Contemporary & Geometric Designs like the Mondrian or Frank Lloyd Wright Homages; Southwestern & Mayan Patterns; and, Tapestry-like Creations.
Generally in patina brown, but also available primed and colored.
See Solar Shadow Lights for Catalog of names
(Pictured above Steaming Swirls, Mediative Doodle, Jungle Tapestry)
Wired lights can be taller than solar because of the power of the bulb. LED bulbs draw 2W-4W of power, are energy-efficient and last years.
Come visit our demonstration area to see how a variety of sizes and designs make distinct patterns and flow together.
Single-Source LED:
Dynamic sculptures that stand as accent pieces (as seen featured in Tucson Lifestyles) that change into a broad-reaching intricately lighted tower throwing complex shadows.
Call for references
Emily Mann, Solaz Designs TM